Twesty AI's future

Source: Tobias Lieshoff

Hey folks,

So, Ritsu and I spent a few months building this AI tool called Twesty (TwestyAI). Then, silence. Yup, we’re still working on it, but we’ve decided not to actively develop or train Twesty’s model anymore. A few weeks ago, we pulled the plug on active development and training. Why? Time. It eats up too much of it.

From the get-go, we knew Twesty might be a short-term project, maybe even just a test run for the public later. That’s exactly what we did a few weeks back, letting some blog members take it for a spin. Twesty rocked at information research.

We got some solid feedback saying people loved how it dug up info using its own and external data. But let’s be real, some projects just demand more time than we can spare. And who the hell has free time these days? Not us, that’s for sure.

Now, you’re probably thinking, “Open source?” Not happening. At least, not yet. Maybe someday, but right now, it’s not in the cards.

Big thanks to everyone who tested Twesty and helped us shape it. Your feedback was clutch.


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